Founded on January 12, 2000, the virtual peak of the Internet Bubble, Stock Traders Daily was forced to manage risk from the beginning. It has survived all its peers from back then, and it is the longest standing proactive investment newsletter on the Internet today. The company’s macroeconomic foundation is coupled with refined technical indicators to optimize subscriber’s ability to go with the flow, and to help avoid crashes.
Our Evitar Corte Model has helped investors sidestep every market crash since the turn of the century, and if it was followed portfolios that track the market would be beating the S&P 500 by over 450% while having avoided substantial drawdowns. Lower volatility with better return on longer term portfolios is just one reason. On the active trading side, our Market Based index ETF Trading Parameters are fantastic, and extremely efficient. Those are just two reasons. You will find many more reasons to subscribe too.
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